Reduction or waiver of interest payable under section 139. 117A. In respect of assessment relating to an assessment year commencing on or before the first day of April, 1988, the Assessing Officer may reduce or waive the interest payable under section 139 in the cases and in the circumstances mentioned below, namely :- (i) where the return of income is furnished by a person who has been treated under section 163 as an agent of a non-resident and is assessed in respect of the latter's income ; (ii) where the return of income is furnished by an assessee whose only source of income during the relevant previous year is a share in the income of an unregistered firm which has been assessed on its total income in respect of that previous year under clause (b) of section 183; (iii) where the return of income of a deceased individual is furnished by his legal representative and the legal representative satisfies the [Assessing Officer] that he had sufficient cause for not furnishing such return within time; (iv) where the return of income has been furnished in pursuance of a notice issued under section 148; (v) any case in which the assessee produces evidence to the satisfaction of the [Assessing Officer] that he was prevented by sufficient cause from furnishing the return within time : Provided that the previous approval of the Deputy Commissioner has been obtained where the amount of interest reduced or waived, as the case may be, under clause (iv) or clause (v) exceeds one thousand rupees.